EcoArts Australis 3rd National Conference: Using the visual and performing arts to encourage
pro-environmental behaviour
26-28 May 2019
Our environment is being pressured on all sides, with burgeoning levels of rubbish and greenhouse gas emissions, increasing urban congestion, worsening tree decline and land degradation and decline in biodiversity. All of these issues relate back to our behaviour as Australian citizens. The arts are uniquely placed to explain these problems to the general public and to motivate people to adopt behaviours that have lower impacts on the environment.
The third EcoArts Australis national conference is an opportunity for you to network and communicate with others who using the arts in creative ways to encourage pro-environmental behaviour.
Conference details
- final program
- 2019 flyer
- 2019 poster
- media release
Keynote speakers
Our keynote speakers for this year’s EcoArts Conference include Mark Howden, Marda Kirn, Cecily Miller, Jonica Newby, Jodi Newcombe, Jill Sampson and Claire Tracey. Read more here.
using the arts to change habits and behaviours;
- using the arts in environmental education;
- using the arts to draw attention to particular environmental issues;
- using the arts to celebrate the natural environment and human relationship with it
Areas of Focus
These could include, but not be limited to:
- fostering the eco-city (urban planning/active transport)
- mitigating climate change
- reducing waste
- conserving/re-establishing native vegetation
- community festivals and community arts
- public and performance art
- indigenous art
- science/art collaborations
- urban trees
Featured performances and visual arts
- Choral and music performances
- Visual arts (film, photographics, sculptures, ephemeral installations)
- Circus, ecocabaret, environmental theatre
- Artists and musicians in residence
Who should attend?
- People interested in developing projects that use the arts to further environmental sustainability
- Researchers
- Environmental educators
- Artists, performers, dancers, musicians involved in creating works that have environmental outcomes or themes
- Local government staff from sustainability, environment, planning and cultural services
- Natural resources management staff
- People working in landcare, bushcare, or environmental management
- Environmental scientists interested in communicating their science in innovative ways
- Environmental activists
Watch the inauguralĀ EcoArts Australis Conference from 2013: