Looking for teacher identified 21 hours of PD for your NESA accreditation hours? Join us at the 3rd National EcoArts Australis Conference: Using the Visual and Performing Arts to Encourage Pro-environmental Behaviour, on 26-28 May 2019, at the University of Wollongong, NSW. The conference forms part of a professional learning activity that enhances and strengthens your teaching practice and aligns to the Standards. The conference talks, forums, workshops and performances are relevant for primary and secondary school teachers (Visual Arts, Science, Drama, Geography, and Society in Culture).
You will learn and be inspired by leading academics, artists, ecologists, environmental educators and more. We cover issues on environmental art projects, Indigenous issues, social justice, stewardship, environmental science and more. While EcoArts is not a registered PD provider through NESA, attending the conference will count as part of your 50 hours of teacher identified PD. Here is the link to NESA’s page on this point. NESA lists conferences as recognising teacher identified PD. Teachers will receive a Statement of Attendance which will show the PD hours and the Standards met during the conference. That’s 21 hours out of 50 hours completed over 3 days as part of your teacher identified PD.
The 3rd EcoArts Australis national conference is an opportunity for you to network and communicate with others who use the arts in creative ways to encourage pro-environmental behaviour and inspire change and encourage sustainable behaviour.